Director Position Open to Applicants

Director Position Open to Applicants

Orcas Island Park and Recreation District is accepting applications for the position of Director.  Compensation based on experience and qualifications.  Full job description and application information available here.  Application period ends 3/23/2018.  Please direct questions via email to District Chairman Bob Eagan at


Tell Us What You Think…

Tell Us What You Think…

We want to hear from YOU! Orcas Island Residents, we want to be meeting your park and recreational desires! How are we doing? Where can we improve? Have new program ideas? Please let us know by taking a moment to complete this short survey.

Questions regarding the survey can be directed to Kim Kimple at:

Thank you for being part of our growth!

Buck Park Seasonal Maintenance Contract

Buck Park Seasonal Maintenance Contract

Orcas Island Park and Recreation District is seeking bids for 2018 – 2019 maintenance season for Buck Park. Services include basic maintenance, lawn care, and park oversight. A business license, sole proprietor, or LLC is required. Necessary equipment includes mowers, weed-eaters, and hauling vehicle. Mandatory bidder walk-through with principals will be held on Feb 2, 2018 at 9:00 am at Buck Park to the discuss job description. E-mail OIPRD at for a bid packet and proposal form.

Proposals due by 3:00 pm, Feb. 7, 2018. We will accept mailed, hand delivered or emailed proposals. We hope to award the contract on/before February 15, 2018 for work starting March 1, 2018.