

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Orcas Island Park and Recreation! Volunteers are an incredibly valuable part of our programs here on Orcas Island. Our youth athletes deeply rely on the devotion of our volunteers. Through participation in these programs, our island youth further develop strength in physical, social and psychological health while fostering meaningful connections with peers and other adults.

Check out our Spring Volunteer opportunities below. If you are interested in volunteering with us, give us a shout! Volunteer Applications are available at our office or by download here. Must pass a criminal background check.  Questions can be directed to oiprd@oiprd.org

YES! High School volunteer hours are honored at OIPRD. Have fun, knock out some volunteer time, AND make a difference!

Looking for a First Aid/CPR/AED certification course? Check out the local one through Orcas Island Fire and Rescue here.