Orcas Park and Rec Spring Baseball

Orcas Park and Rec Spring Baseball

Play ball! This spring we will be offering more games and increased competition for our baseball and softball players. The baseball committee along with the Park and Rec Board has thoroughly researched all league options and the last several years of season play. After completing this study, all have voted to rejoin the local Little League District. This will allow for a variety of game opportunities both on island and in the Skagit area. Game schedules will be set by Little League with game play from April 1st – June 3rd. REGISTRATION DEADLINE is FEBRUARY 27TH for all baseball and softball players ages 7 – 14 years of age and pre-registration is required. This year will kick off with a field day for player assessment on March 5th. Practices will begin the week of March 13th.

T-Ball begins the week of April 24th for ages 5 – 7 and will continue with on-island scrimmages. Registration deadline for T-Ball is April 3rd.

Your early registration is greatly appreciated and will help us ensure uniforms and equipment are purchased and on hand for the start of the season. No registration will be accepted after February 27th. Scholarships and payment plans are available. To register stop into our office located in the northwest corner of the Funhouse or visit our website at www.oiprd.org and click on the big green registration button.

We are looking for volunteers to help with team coordination, field prep, officiating, and coaching. Through participation in these programs, our island youth further develop strength in physical, social, emotional, and psychological health while fostering meaningful connections with peers and adults; building a stronger community together.

If you would like to help, please contact Kim Ihlenfeldt at kimi@oiprd.org, or 376-7275 (PARK)

Dance – Winter Session I

Dance – Winter Session I

Winter Dance Session I starts soon! Join Stephanie Moss and immerse yourself in the world of dance and movement. Classes for ages 3+ include Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, Ballet I, Ballet II & III, Tap I, and Tap II. Find more information and register using the big green registration button on the right side of the page, followed by the register for programs link. Scholarship and payment plans available. Pre-registration is required, so sign-up soon! Email kimi@oiprd.org to learn more.

Special Public Meeting December 2016

Special Public Meeting December 2016

The OIPRD Board of Commissioners will hold a regular public meeting for the month of December on Wednesday, December 14th beginning at 4PM at the Eastsound Firehall, Mt. Baker Road, Eastsound, Washington. This change is in order to accommodate the annual holiday concert at the Elementary School. All are welcome to attend.

Boys SWISH League Basketball Grades 3rd – 8th

Boys SWISH League Basketball Grades 3rd – 8th

Boys 3rd-8th grade S.W.I.S.H. League Basketball begins in mid-December.
Pre-registration required – deadline is December 2nd.
Space is limited so register soon!
Registration by grade level – click on the Green Online Registration Button to the right —->

Partial scholarships and payment plans are available.
contact Kim Ihlenfeldt for more information: kimi@oiprd.org or 376-PARK (7275)


2017 Budget Hearing

2017 Budget Hearing

The OIPRD Board of Commissioners will hold a public meeting for consideration of the proposed 2017 budget at the regular meeting to be held beginning at 4PM, Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Eastbound Firehall, Mt. Baker Road, Eastsound, Washington.

Activities Cancelled

Activities Cancelled

All public agencies county-wide have been advised to ask community members to remain home and indoors this weekend. Unfortunately, this means Friday Night’s Magic: the Gathering Booster Draft and ALL Saturday soccer plans are cancelled.
Pokemon Club will continue as scheduled Friday afternoon, pending power. Tackle Football practices will continue at the discretion of the coaches.
Stay dry and warm and we’ll see you next week.
(posted 10/14/16)